Hey founders…
You want your company to grow. You want it to be immensely successful. You want to raise money and scale and maybe even be famous.
How will you do that? You need to do a lot. You need to execute. You need to hire. You need to raise money. You need to manage a team to be focused and efficient. How will you do all of that?
Right now the company needs who you are. But as you progress, the company will need more. It needs someone better than you are now. For example, it needs you to hire someone better than you, and it needs you to inspire and manage that person to do their best work. If you can’t do that, that person not only won’t perform but will leave for a company where the CEO can.
If you don’t grow, your company hits a ceiling. Your ceiling. The team’s performance and the company’s success will be capped by your current capabilities. The higher you raise that ceiling, the further you, your team, and your company can go.
So, ask yourself: what are you doing to get better? How high do you want to fly?
If your answer is, “nothing. I’m good,” think about this: if you can’t improve yourself, how do you expect to be effective in improving your company?